Haido used to be a DRUM Teacher
In 1988-1989, haido had work at the musical instrument called "IWAKI"
as a part-time job at his hometown. (u can also read IWAKI's detail below.)
He could used a staff credit to rent the rehearsal room with cheap price.
He often rented it with his REAL name. At that time, he taught a local
high school student the DRUM for one month. One time a week, 30 minutes
every Sunday afternoon, he taught them altogether 5-6 times.
The LUCKY student mentioned the Haido's image that "Haido san TALK LESS,
look QUIET and STRICT." Cuz at that time ,the student wasn't really
serious. He recalled the words that Haido said.......
"Be serious, if you didn't have the meaning, let's stop!"... OR
"Till the next time, remember the rhythm..."
Cuz haido was so serious in music, so he always talked directly.
(translated by : Carol)
If i were a GIRL, i would......
Someone had asked HAIDO if he become a GIRL, what will he want to do?
"If my body and mind become the GIRL, i want to have SEX. #@#@
But, if my mind don change.... only BODY become a girl,
i would be felt sick to be HUG by man." *o* , he REPLIED
Some staff said if haido really become the girl, he would be
a sexy and good woman.
In indie's time ,haido look like the beautiful GIRL and was greeted by MEN.
(translated by : Carol)
Haido was often BED-WETTING !!!
It happened when he was an infant. Cuz it always appeared a TOILET
in his dream then he went there to PEE PEE ^_^ and automatically
bed-wetting when he woke up.5555
How can he stop it ? Here's the hint…..He only thought if the toilet
was appeared in his dream again, he won't be Pee Pee there.
The next day he SUCCESS. (How u could do that..Haido San)…
When he grow up, the first thing he woke up was to PEE PEE.
(Have u guy ever BED-WETTING before ??)
(translated by : Carol)
Snow Drop or Tear Drop ????
After watching "Furanda no inu" (….'s dog), Tetsu cried at once.
This story was his inspiration to compose the song "Snow Drop".
Haido also watching it too. He cried many time before finished
the lyrics. He said "he couldn't finish it at once, coz in the
poem's world, it's hard to express such feeling via poem.
(translated by : Carol)
If u ever seen Haido & Tetsu's interview on Channel [V]
of UBC Cable TV on their Asia Visit 1999 in Thailand,
i am sure u guys know the following pic. Haido and Tetsu
had showed their SAME model of Watches which had their
name stamp onit. tokubetsu ne...
Here's the pic from their Taiwan Visit ..Close up the Watch
Tetchan...SNORE...How's Haido concerned???
Once Laruku's member had to share the hotel rooms.
Ken said…. to share the room with Tetchan, it will be nightmare…
I wanna suicide when he snored in the night…so NOISY…
could not sleep…..
Tetchan couldn't' believe Ken..so he rushed to ask Haido.
This is his reply
"Heee eee…Yha…I need the EAR Plugs
when I share the room with Tetchan…5555555555555555
KISS...on his cheek \*o*/
"My first kiss was given to a boy sat in front of me, when I was
in elementary school. He's totemo kawaiii..@__@..and i now
sometime give Haido a KISS on STAGE and mark my kiss on
his cheek due to the MAKE UP."
From Tetchan interview (..do u guys think above was Haido??? 555)
In Rock IT August 1993 Special Issue.
(Once in Laruku's LIVE, their fans noticed KISS marked on Haido's cheek
They thought that from the GIRL….until the above interview released
they realized it's from TETCHAN….<* *>)
In concert, Haido got OFF Key.at first part…
How come?..
I just found this translation interview. (may be in 1998
dunno exactly time and where V__V) ..i think this can
answer the above question.
Host: |
How're u today ?
Haido: |
Today i'm….#@ #@ #@…(his cough sound..^_^)
Host: |
Oh…r u alright ?
Haido: |
i'm getting better..i caught a cold when the Tour just started..
really long cold. I had slept in futon and get sweat then i get better.
Now i'm left only this COUGH i had went to see the doctor and
took some medicine but it's not better. What i worried was my throat.
i'm afraid of losing my VOICE. Actually..i didn't' …i known that
when my body get warm, my voice will better and easy to sing….
it's like …i'm in a MAD FIRE ^_^ with a powerful energy.
(i think these the reason Haido off keys at first ne ^O^)
Have u ever heard that phase.?? If not, please check the GCT VDO
In the beginning of the Shout at the devil song, u will hear Haido say
...one two three go(four?)....From Band Yarooze's magazine (What's mag.??)
said that he had to practice many many time to get the RIGHT and kakkoiii words….^_^
What's Haido's Mom think about him ??
"He's still a tender little girl through my eyes, but the another members
(Laruku) said....[ "he's the most strong man among us"]…..
Anyway, he's still my little kid and my pride."
Haido's Mom said.
His beautiful EYE ???? *__*
"His eyes are his special characteristic. With those special eyes,
i can remember when he first came our school. He also said that
he wanted to draw animations like LUPIN (????)"
Haido's teacher at Namba Osaka Designer School told.
I wanna be a Comic Artist \^o^/
Haido said this when he was Grade 6.
"Yes, his drawing was very good. All the yearbook, essay
and student work etc. were designed and drew by Haido"
Haido's classmate said.
What's his first instrument ?
It's... Pianica.... look like keyboard with mouthpiece.
He had been performed at school (his first LIVE...^_^)
Blurry Eyes PV...Where is the location ???
Have u ever seen Blurry Eyes Promotion Video ??Ô
Do u know where is the place ?? ...Do not think it over..
Here's ya answer...It's amusing park near Mt. Fuji called
"FUJIKYU HIGHLAND"....Beautiful location ne..(look at that pic)
i had started it when i was 15...at that time, i used to read
the dictionary about unknown story. It said that.."by the law, SMOKING
is forbidden for one who under 20"..then i think HOW come
the child in CINEMA can smoke..For ME..WHY NOT.
After that i realised they smoke the stuff called "NEON CIDER"
(FAKE tobacco) ....so i rush to the shop to get tobacco
"For your DAD" shop owner asked.."YES" (tell a lie)..
i replied..This's the first time i SMOKE.^___^
He had been mentioned this in JP BBS and also IS long time ago
The reason why he can't paint is his colour blinded…he only can
sketch or draw in black and white (The colours he can see….
monochrome …..T__T)
Someone (who??) told that he can see every colours but donno
how difference between green and pink….he's only look in gray…..
(donno it's real or NOT , but I wonder why he can collect BLUE GLASS
How's he see it's colour?????? )
pic fromreincarnation
What do u think about his TATTOO...Is it REAL ???
i had found from some Webboard which mentioned
on this. As u know, Haido had taken off his shirt on
REAL Live that everyone can see his TATTOO
(soo.. lucky..) on his back...What's it like ????.
..Answer is...(look at that pic.) "WING".
angle wing...Sugoiiiii. ...IT'S R E A L.
One who had went to that concert confirmed
Apart from tatto, Haido also got belly piercing ^_^
How's Megumi call Haido ??
How Haido was called when he live with Megumi ?? Haido, Hyde,
Hideto etc....Do u wanna know ????
Megumi had been interviewed long time ago (donno when / where,
but i'm sure it in Japan ^__^) Here is part of her interview :-
Host: |
There're NEWS that u ( Haido & Megumi) date together.
Megumi: |
Really....How do u know ???
One of Idol: |
Audience: |
Megumi: |
Stop...Stop....Stop it please...
Host: |
Haido ???????
Megumi: |
Please stop...uhhh ….yes...i and * DARING *date together.
Host: |
Daring ????? Do u call Haido.... Daring ?
Everyone: |
Megumi: |
Hai ......
[.....Urayamashiii desu....wanna call him too..*___*...]
This Pub is belonging to Haido's family. It located in Wakayama
(Osaka). His parent were married when they were young and also his
grandma disagreed on that marriage. After married, they had built this pub
and named it as The Beatles's Song (The Beatles is his Dad favorite band)
In House Apple, there was a Juke Box, which usually play the western music.
This is another reason why Haido loved western music especially the song
called "Stranger" by Billy Joel. If u go to this pub, u will see the half circle
counter in the middle where Haido's parent stand with warm welcome smile.
Someone said that his Dad is good looking and Haido looks like his him,
also his Mum is pretty too so……(What's do u think ??? , If A = B and B = C
then A = C ????##$$ ) There're so many people always visit this pub
and his Mam loved to talk to the guest about Haido story. (wanna talk with
her tooo….)The House Apple Pub open from Mon - Sat at 8 PM to 3 AM.
and on Sunday from 8 PM. to 2 AM.(work so hard ne)
Unfortunately, i heard that this pub was completely closed…… T____T
After Haido finished from Art School, he could not go to
the university so he went to work part time job. His first
job is Mister Donut where located in front of Wakayama
Railway Station, but he thought that it's not good. The
customer normally the old people who expected the good
service, for example they want him to remember what they
ordered last time. How could that be... How he can remember
Every old people look the same to me...everyone had a
white hair etc...Besides, he had to say "Irashaimase
nanishimashou.." (Welcome to..What's u would like to drink?)
That the reason why he changed his job.
Shinkeisuijyaku...What's this ????
The answer is the name of Wine Shop which
belong to Minami...Haido's classmate.
How's important ??
In this shop, there is wine bottle that its label was
DESIGNED by HAIDO as u can see from the picture.
kakkoiiiii ne....Only 750 Yen per bottle...very cheap
(long time ago, donno the price now.) This shop available
from 5 PM to 12 PM everyday except Wed. (Where is it ka na??)
Burakuri Tei.... Where is it ???
It's Shopping Street in Wakayama...more than
170 years old. On this street, there's IWAKI Shop where
Haido had been worked part time job.
When he went back to Wakayama, he used to walk along
this street and bump to his old friend..Besides he had been
given his autograph to the fan who met him there...(so lucky)
It's tape and CD shop where Haido worked for part time job.
CD and VDO are available on first floor, second floor for studio
and....third floor is the place he worked. There's counter named
Wood Rock.
while he in primary school, Haido loved riding and camping.
He always makes the risk activities and also dress in military suit
like RAMBO. One day, he was riding a bicycle with his friend
down from the hill without the breaks on, caused the road is
very zig zag and he's not careful turning the curve, he try to control
and touch the break but too late ...then fall down on the road
He was in blood stains and lost conscious. What he remember was
a farmer took him to the hospital. He was sent to an operation room.
He had to stay there for 2 weeks (poor...Haido).
His left arm was broken and got the scar on his LEFT NECK
(i can see it...i.e in Kiss me Deadly Live, MS Station when he
sang shallow sleep etc...) At present, his left arm worked not good...
So he goes back to Music especial Heavy Metal....Thanx for accident
(He had mentioned this accident in his article called
"Letter from Hyde dated 14 June 2002" which publiced in Hydeist website)
While Haido's in highschool, he liked a kawaii girl.
He had asked her to the beach coz she loved one who
was ACTIVE....So Haido joyed to the SOCCER CLUB but
resigned in 3 days. ....Whyyyy....coz he'd like to
play football not kept..... (55555 ^__O)
1. Hinano Yoshikawa
Hinano was ex Izam's wife...If u guy look back to the details in
"Tierra" Album, u will see the words "Special Thanks to
Yoshikawa Hinano"....WHY Speical Thanks.???..CUZ hinano
had recorded her laughing in the 9th song in Tierra Album
(Special Thanx to Carol for this message)
At that time, there's RUMOR about
Hinano and Haido who dated together, then Hinano come
to say that it's impossible..coz their age were very difference.
Anyway...Hinano's brother also loved J-ROCK that why she
had rumor with Haido.
2. Kiyoharu
Ex- Kuroyume Band and now he's a part of SADS ----
Haido had been interviewed with Kiyoharu in SHOXX
long time ago and they both pretend to be XXX.. ^__o
.Kiyoharu said that we started this relationship (..they tell a lie)
when we changed our telephone number and we both happy with
this homo..together..^__^ Haido said that he always missed
Kiyoharu ...Besides, they mentioned about the photo that
they huged....Now they did not contact anymore.
Haido has problem with his MC on stages especial on TV
It's scare ne...and i will always binking my eyes when i'm on TV
coz i think this can help...but .....on his private time he do not talk
anymore coz he's very shy.
What he always take out ??
He always takes tobacco, wallet, key, sunglasses and
hat everytime he went out.
The fan can not spot him when he wore sunglasses and hat